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Lightning Impulse Generator – A Comprehensive Guide


Introduction to lightning impulse generator

Lightning Impulse generator is an electronic device used to simulate lightening-related electrical transients and surges. It is a standard testing apparatus to determine the insulating strength and dielectric level of high voltage equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, and cables. The lightning impulse test is conducted to ensure optimal functionality even during adverse weather conditions, including thunderstorms, electromagnetic pulse exposure, and other such high voltage events. This article presents a comprehensive guide to the Lightning Impulse Generator and its applications.

Working Principle of Lightning Impulse Generator

Lightning impulse generators alternate high voltage and current between two electrodes with an air gap. The electrodes are set in a vessel containing a dielectric oil, where the gap will be broken down by the high voltage. Once the air gap gets ionized, the resulting current flow produces the required electrical impulse on the test sample.

Components of Lightning Impulse Generator

The crucial components of the lightning impulse generator include a high voltage transformer, capacitor bank, and a voltage divider. The transformer boosts the low voltage AC supply to very high voltage amplitude while the capacitor bank stores the electrical energy. The voltage divider ensures accurate voltage measurement in the impulse waveform during testing. The impulse wave is then applied to the equipment under test to determine its response towards a sudden surge or transient.

Applications of Lightning Impulse Generator

Lightning impulse generators are used in a wide range of electrical power transmission and distribution systems. Some of the primary applications include testing electrical components and equipment such as power transformers, circuit breakers and cables, power electronics in the form of drives and rectifiers, electrical machinery, and insulation material testing. With the increasing reliance on electronic and electrical equipment embedded in our daily life, the reliability and safety of these systems have become paramount, and lightning impulse generators have played a critical role in ensuring that safety by testing these devices against high voltage surges.

Benefits of Lightning Impulse Generator

The benefits of lightning impulse generators include providing a reliable and cost-effective method of testing electrical systems against high voltage surges and transients. These generators can be customized to suit specific testing requirements and can replicate real-world weather conditions and high energy pulses experienced in electrical networks. Moreover, testing electrical equipment with the use of impulse generators enables early detection of equipment defects and isolates them before deployment in the field, avoiding expensive turnaround time.

Types of Lightning Impulse Generator

There are two types of lightning impulse generator, namely the Marx impulse generator and the capacitor discharge impulse generator. The Marx impulse generator is a traditional type that relies on a charging circuit to provide a high voltage impulse to the test object. In contrast, capacitor discharge impulse generators obtain the high voltage impulse energy from the discharge of a capacitor bank. Both types of impulse generator have unique applications and benefits, depending on the test requirements.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Lightning Impulse Generator

The choice of a suitable lightning impulse generator depends on various factors such as magnitude of impulse, waveform of impulse, and voltage up to which the test is required. It is essential to know and understand the test requirements before selecting the right generator. Some factors to consider include maximum voltage required, maximum output energy, impulse current capability and waveform, and the voltage waveform of the impulse. Also, consider the size and weight of the generator and the time required for the test.

Maintaining Lightning Impulse Generator

Regular maintenance of a lightning impulse generator is crucial to ensure optimal performance and safety. It is essential to inspect the wiring connection, oil level, and the condition of the electrodes regularly. Additionally, the oil in the insulation tank should be filtered regularly to remove any impurities, as these can impact the performance of the generator. The capacitors and resistors also require periodic calibration to enable the impulse generator to function optimally.

Limitations of Lightning Impulse Generator

Lightning impulse generators are reliable methods for testing high voltage equipment, but they have some limitations. One of the significant limitations is that they only test the electrical response of the equipment or component to the impulses; they do not indicate whether the item under test is performing optimally, given other environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and dust. Additionally, while impulse generators simulate a specific high-voltage event, the occurrence of these events in nature can be unpredictable; therefore, the generator may not account for every possible event.


Lightning impulse generators are critical devices for ensuring optimal performance and safety of high voltage power equipment and systems. They provide a cost-effective and accurate method for testing equipment against high voltage surges and transients to ensure that they can operate optimally even in such adverse weather conditions. By choosing the right generator for the test specification, conducting regular maintenance, and keeping in mind their limitations, lightning impulse generators can serve as essential tools for any electrical and electronics engineer.

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